Maytag Commercial Laundry — Vended Store Brochure
Brochure to help new entrepreneurs learn how to start a new laundromat and explore the Maytag commercial products.
Maytag Commercial Laundry — Financing 101
Gated Content for lead generation, helping potential investors learn about how to arrange laundromat financing.
Maytag Commercial Laundry — Expanding Your Laundry Enterprise
Gated Content for lead generation, helping current investors learn about how to grow their store portfolio.
MEC — SMART Park Information Sheet
Marketing leave-behind to engage prospective tenants.
Apex Fintech Solutions — QUODD Data Products One Sheet
One sheet for use by sales at trade shows and meeting-leave-behind collateral.
Kulzer LLC — Sell Sheet and Packaging
Marketing tools to announce a product line expansion.
Apex Fintech Solutions — Why Apex
Inspiring story of “Why Apex” to inspire and unite employees.
Apex Fintech Solutions — Advisor Solutions One Sheet
One sheet for use by sales at trade shows and meeting-leave-behind collateral.
Apex Fintech Solutions — Event Email
Email to customers inviting to meet at event booth.